MONTH: January 2025
WORDCOUNT: 1200 exactly
by Maeve Kousiakis
Mr Du Pont would not accept a late delivery. If it was not on schedule he would cancel the order. Olive had to make sure it was on track.
She changed her grip on the handle and moved the receiver from her right ear to her left. It was unusually scratchy and cumbersome. She had been on hold for 20 minutes already.
The traffic noise picked up as the traffic light changed. She tried to make out whether it was the music being played on hold, or if someone had finally come back on the call.
“Why is there tar under my toes? And it’s hot! Bothersome sun is melting us.” She made her way to the shade under the coffee shop awning while changing her grip on the handle. She moved the receiver from her right ear to her left while realising that Mr Du Pont would not be happy with her bare feet in the office.
The prickly receiver made itself known again. Pulling it away from her ear, she inspected it. It was definitely not the usual receiver she used, it had an unusually straight handle that didn’t take the shape of her hand, and it didn’t fit under her chin so that she could free her hands for other tasks on her desk while she was talking. And where was her desk? Those cleaners must have been in and shunted everything around.
While pondering why they would replace a perfectly good telephone that was working fine, she held the prickly replacement back to her ear, hoping there might be someone on the other side again.
The traffic had picked up considerably and she still couldn’t make out whether it was the hold music or someone talking. Frustrated, she went to replace the receiver in it’s cradle over the dial, couldn’t find it, so popped it into her pocket. It weighed down the pocket of her gown and pulled the tie across her waist out of shape. She had to re-adjust it to not gape open and show her chest.
Olive realised she hadn’t done the tea yet and wondered if she should try the number again or if she should make the tea first or go back to that nasty prickly receiver. Opting for the latter, she pulled it out of her pocket. Mr Du Pont would just have to wait five more minutes for tea time.
“Are you all right? Can I help you?” Said a passing stranger.
“Absolutely. I am fine. Yes, thank you. These calls are so frustrating.” She said, exasperated. “No-one wants to give me the information I need. They keep putting me on hold. This job takes stamina you know, but I’m very good at holding on while I get all the other admin done. Plenty of practice.” Added Olive, replacing the receiver back in her pocket and re-adjusting her night gown again.
“This nightgown will never do for the office.” She whispered to herself.
“May I get you out of the sun and we can have some tea inside rather?” Asked the stranger.
“Oh how lovely. But I’m a married woman mister, tea and only tea, you hear?” She said with a twinkle in her eye and a cheeky grin.
Olive took the man’s arm as he guided her to a little table in the corner. She heard him ordering at the counter.
“Would you mind organising another cup for Mr Du Pont? Please. I haven’t got around to the morning tea yet and he will be waiting.” Asked Olive.
“Of course.” Said the man, with an oddly amused look on his face.
Olive was fiddling with the receiver in her pocket again, when a young lady burst through the doors looking worried and hassled.
“Has anyone seen a little old lady in her . . . “ she started to say. “Aunty Olive! There you are!” She exclaimed with relief as she caught site of Olive at the corner table.
“We have been looking all over for you. What are you doing out here in the street?” She asked Olive.
“Oh, just having some tea with this lovely gentleman who invited me in. He’s ordering for Mr Du Pont as well so I don’t have to get it done while I’m holding for this wretched receptionist. She’s kept me on hold for over half an hour you know” explained Olive.
“Aunty Olive, that’s your hairbrush. And you are in your night clothes in a coffee shop. Remember when you wandered into that nice lady’s kitchen on the other side of the park? And we had to come and fetch you because you forgot where you were? It’s like that.” The lovely young lady sat down in the chair next to her. “Do remember? Do you remember my name Aunty Olive?”
“Of course. Amy. How did you get here? Where’s mom? I need to have a word with her about that dinner we are doing next week. Lamb and apricots will be so much better for a winter roast” said Olive.
“Hi. I presume this lovely lady is spoken for now?” Asked the stranger with the tea.
“Hi. Yes.” Replied Laura with a smirk.
Olive smiled sneakily. “Now, young Amy, this one is mine. With lovely legs like that you can go and find another. An old bat like me needs to grab it while it’s hot you know.” She winked.
“Amy, this is . . . “ said Olive
“Andrew.” Replied the man and stuck out his hand to Olive.
“Laura.” Said the lady. “How long have you had Aunty Olive at this table?”
“Laura? What are you doing out of the hospital. Were is the baby?” Interrupted Olive. Confused.
“The baby is sixteen Aunty Olive. He’s at school. He’ll be around for a visit later today. It’s Friday remember?” Answered Laura.
Olive’s eyes dulled.
“I am in the wrong place aren’t I? And the wrong clothes. I’ve done it again.”
“It’s OK Aunty Olive. Let’s get you back for lunch. They have roast chicken on the menu today. You love that.” Said Laura.
“Oh yes. My favourite! Will it be potatoes or rice today do you think?” She wondered.
Olive turned to Andrew.
“Young man, it’s been a pleasure, and although it’s very flattering that you have wooed me for tea, you might try someone more your age. It would be less heart breaking for you dear.” Said Olive with a naughty grin.
“It’s been a pleasure Olive.” Replied Andrew, steering his eyes to Laura with more than a hint.
Olive grinned and took Laura’s arm as they made their way outside.
“Amy, these young men today are delightful but are very much too forward for my liking. He literally yanked me off the street for some tea just now.” Stated Olive.
“So forward Aunty Olive. Just too much. I’ll have to have a word with him when I get home.” Replied Laura.
“Lamb and apricots. I wonder if they will be do pudding?” She asked.
“It’s roast chicken today Aunty Olive.”
“And I was looking so forward to lamb. What a lovely one that Andrew was – you should look him up Amy. You’d do well together.”